Navigating the Changing Landscape of Affordable Housing in Perth

The dream of homeownership is becoming increasingly elusive in many of Australia's major cities. Perth, traditionally known for its relative affordability, has experienced a significant shift over the past year. Data from CoreLogic reveals that the proportion of affordable suburbs in Perth has plummeted from 37.5% to a mere 9.4% in just 12 months. This dramatic decrease is pushing more potential homebuyers out of the market.

The Decline of Affordable Suburbs

A year ago, Perth offered a substantial pool of affordable housing markets, but the recent surge in house prices has altered this landscape. The $600,000 threshold, once a marker of affordability, now applies to less than 10% of the city's housing markets. This trend is not isolated to Perth; similar patterns are observed in Brisbane and Adelaide, where the share of affordable housing has also halved, dropping to 8.8% and 10.2%, respectively.

Factors Driving the Price Surge

Several factors contribute to this rapid escalation in house prices. High building and borrowing costs have constrained the supply of new homes, while demand remains robust. This imbalance has driven prices upwards, a trend observed across all major capitals. For instance, Sydney's affordable housing market has halved to 5.5%, while Melbourne saw a slight reduction to 28.5%. Even traditionally more affordable markets like Hobart and Canberra have seen reductions in their affordable housing stocks.

The Impact on First-Home Buyers

The shrinking pool of affordable homes is particularly challenging for first-home buyers. High prices mean that a $600,000 budget no longer stretches as far as it once did. Buyers are often forced to look further from the city center or settle for smaller properties with fewer amenities. For example, Ray White South Perth principal Jannine Blum notes that properties under $600,000 are highly competitive, often selling for up to $100,000 above asking prices due to intense buyer interest.

Suburban Shifts

Previously affordable suburbs are no longer within reach for many. In Perth, areas like Mandurah and Rockingham have seen substantial price increases. Median house values in Mandurah's suburbs have surged by up to 38%, now exceeding $710,000. Similar trends are observed in Rockingham, where prices have risen by an average of 27.5% in the past year.

Future Outlook

The outlook for affordable housing remains bleak. CoreLogic's research director, Tim Lawless, predicts further erosion of affordability as home values continue to rise. AMP chief economist Shane Oliver echoes this sentiment, highlighting that while tight supply will continue to drive prices up, there is a limit to how much buyers can pay. The ongoing affordability crisis suggests that the market may eventually reach a tipping point where further price increases are unsustainable.

Perth's status as an affordable city for homebuyers is rapidly changing. With house prices continuing to rise and the pool of affordable suburbs shrinking, potential buyers must adjust their expectations and explore new strategies. Whether looking further afield or considering smaller properties, flexibility and adaptability will be key in navigating this challenging market. As the housing landscape evolves, staying informed and proactive will be essential for those hoping to achieve the dream of homeownership in Perth and beyond.


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